Cărţi publicate ca autor şi co-autor
- Miclea, M., Kállay, É. (2011). The computer-mediated therapy of anxiety. Editura ASCR, Cluj-Napoca.
- Miclea, M., Porumb, M., Porumb, D., Negru, O., & Savu, M. (2010). Consilierea şi planificarea în carieră pentru generaţia digitală. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca.
- Miclea, M., & Cognitrom Group (2009). PEDa. Platforma de evaluare a dezvoltării (3 –6/7 ani). Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca.
- Miclea, M., & Cognitrom Group (2009). CAS++. Cognitrom Assessment System Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca.
- Miclea, M., Porumb, M., Porumb, D., & Szentgyorgyi, Z. (2006). Ghid de utilizare CAS. Editura ASCR, Cluj-Napoca.
- Miclea, M., & Lemeni, G. (2004). Consiliere şi orientare. Ghid de educaţie pentru carieră. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca.
- Miclea, M., & Curşeu, P. (2002). Modele neurocognitive, Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca.
- Mircea, M., & Opre, D. (2002). Evaluarea academică, Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca.
- Benga, O., & Miclea, M. (2001). Development and cognition. PUC, Cluj-Napoca.
- Miclea, M. (2000). Psihologie cognitivă. Editura Polirom, Iaşi (a 2-a ediţie)
- Miclea, M. (1997). Stres şi apărare psihică. Ed. Presa Universitară Clujană, Cluj-Napoca.
Capitole de carte
- Miu, A.C., Miclea, M., & Houser, D. (2008). Anxiety and decision-making. Toward a neuroeconomic perspective. In D. Houser (Ed.) Neuroeconomics, Emerald Insight Publishing, Boston.
- Miclea, M. (2008). Demographics and Higher Education: Mediating variables, institutional responses and public policies. In: L. Vlăsceanu, L. Grunberg (Eds.), Demographics and Higher Education in Europe – Institutional Perspectives. UNESCO-CEPES, Bucharest.
- Miclea, M. (2008). Şcoala la judecata generaţiei digitale. In: 5000 de semne ale viitorului. Ed. Cotidianul, Bucureşti.
- Miclea, M. (2008). Reforma internă a universităţilor şi cercetarea de excelenţă. In: Frangopol, P.T., Zamfir, N.V. & Braun, T. (Eds.), Pentru excelenţă în ştiinţa românească. Casa Cărţii de Ştinţă, Cluj-Napoca
- Miclea, M (2004). Working with the CIPOQ model. A hypothetical example. In: Barrows, L.C. (Ed.) Studies on Higher Education. Indicators for institutional and programme accreditation in higher/tertiary education. UNESCO, 2004.
- Miclea, M (1999). Representing reality on sensitivity-repression continuum. In: Wagner, F. & Fleck, G. (Eds.) Ways of thinking. Brauműler University Press, Vienna.
- Miclea, M (1995). Analyse de l’approche pratiqueé entre 1950 et la fin des anneés quatre vingt dans les pays de l’Europe de l’Est: le cas de la Roumanie. In: Ionescu, S. (Ed.), La déficience intelectuelle, tom 2. Nathan, Paris.
- Intentional forgetting of emotional laden stimuli in 38th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, vol 2, PSP Publication, 1997.
- Metodologie psihologică şi analiza datelor, Editura Sincron, Cluj-Napoca, 1993 – coautor (capitolele: Metoda experimentală, Evaluarea cercetărilor clinice, Metaanaliza).
- Hipnoză şi hipnoterapie în „Psihologia şi viaţa cotidiană”, vol. II, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 1992.
- Introducere în psihologia contemporană, Editura Sincron, Cluj-Napoca, 1991 – coautor (capitolele : Psihologia cognitivă şi inteligenţa artificială, Stres şi relaxare, Gândirea, Limbajul, Creativitatea, Analiza complexă a comportamentului).
- Problematizare, competenţă şi creativitate în grupul de elevi în „Studii şi cercetări”, vol. litografiat, Cluj-Napoca, 1989.
- Perspectiva cognitivă asupra creativităţii în „Studii şi cercetări”, vol. litografiat, Buşteni, 1988.
- Ciuca, A. M., Berger, T., Crişan, L. G., & Miclea, M. (2016). Internet-based treatment for Romanian adults with panic disorder: protocol of a randomized controlled trial comparing a Skype-guided with an unguided self-help intervention (the PAXPD study).BMC psychiatry, 16(1), 1.
- Crişan, L. G., Vulturar, R., Miclea, M., & Miu, A. C. (2016). Reactivity to social stress in subclinical social anxiety: emotional experience, cognitive appraisals, Behavior, and Physiology.Frontiers in psychiatry, 7.
- Fleştea, A. M., Fodor, O. C., Curşeu, P. L., & Miclea, M. (2016). ‘We didn’t know anything, it was a mess!’Emergent structures and the effectiveness of a rescue operation multi-team system.Ergonomics, 1-15.
- MESLEC, M. N., AGGARWAL, I. & CURŞEU, P. L. (2016). The insensitive ruins it all: Compositional and compilational influences of social sensitivity on collective intelligence in groups. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:676, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00676
- CURŞEU, P. L., SCHRUIJER, S. G. L. & FODOR, O. C. (2016). Decision rules, escalation of commitment and sensitivity to framing in group decision-making: An experimental investigation. Management Decision, 54, 7, 1649 – 1668, doi: 10.1108/MD-06-2015-0253
- CURŞEU, P. L. & Ten BRINK, T. (2016). “Minority dissent as teamwork related mental model: Implications for willingness to dissent and group creativity”. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 22, 86-96, doi: 10.1016/j.tsc.2016.09.002 .
- Varga, M., Visu-Petra, G., Miclea, M., & Visu-Petra, L. (2015). The “Good Cop, Bad Cop” Effect in the RT-Based Concealed Information Test: Exploring the Effect of Emotional Expressions Displayed by a Virtual Investigator. PloS one, 10(2), e0116087.
- CURŞEU, P. L., MESLEC, N., PLUUT, H. & LUCAS, G. (2015). “Cognitive synergy in groups and group-to-individual transfer of decision-making competencies”, Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1375. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01375
- MESLEC, M. N. & CURŞEU, P. L. (2015). Are balanced groups better? Belbin roles in collaborative learning groups. Learning and Individual Differences, 39, 81-88 10.1016/j.lindif.2015.03.030
- POP-CURŞEU, I. (2015). Social representations of religiosity in the two Săpânţa cemeteries. Revista de etnografie si folclor (Journal of Ethnography and Folklore), Vol. 1-2, 131-149.
- POP-CURȘEU, I. S. (2015). Conţinuturi lingvistice şi imagistice în cele două cimitire de la Săpânţa: probleme de metodologie antropologică. Publicat în Naşterea documentului de folklore. Răspântii metodologice, Orma, Volum 24, Coordonator Ileana Benga, Cluj-Napoca, Risoprint, 2015, pp. 332-347
- CURŞEU, P. L. & SARI, K. (2015). “The effects of gender variety and power disparity on group cognitive complexity in collaborative learning groups” Interactive Learning Environments, 23, 4, 425-436, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2013.788029
- Balaj, A., Miclea, M., & Albu, M. (2014). THE ADAPTATION OF THE CHILD SYMPTOM INVENTORY-4 (CSI-4) ON ROMANIAN POPULATION.Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 18(2).
- Cheie, L., Miclea, M., Visu-Petra, L. (2014). What was i supposed to do? Effects of individual differences in age and anxiety on preschoolers’ prospective memory. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38(1), 52-61.
- Rebega, O. L., Benga, O., & Miclea, M. (2014). Another Perspective on Guilt’s Moral Status: The Romanian Case. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 127, 114-118.
- Susa, G., Benga, O., Pitica, I., Miclea, M. (2014). Child temperamental reactivity and self-regulation effects on attentional biases. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 922.
- Ştefan, C.A. ,Miclea, M. (2014). Effectiveness of the social-emotional prevention program as a function of children’s baseline risk status. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 22(1), 14-33.
- Visu-Petra, G., Miclea, M., Buş, I., Visu-Petra, L. (2014). Detecting concealed information: The role of individual differences in executive functions and social desirability. Psychology, Crime and Law, 20(1), 20-36.
- Visu-Petra, L., Stanciu, O., Benga, O., Miclea, M., Cheie, L. (2014). Longitudinal and concurrent links between memory span, anxiety symptoms, and subsequent executive functioning in young children. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 443.
- MESLEC, M. N., CURŞEU, P. L., MEEUS, M. T. H. & IEDERAN FODOR, O. C. (2014). “When none of us perform better than all of us together: The role of analogical decision rules in groups” PLoS ONE, 9(1): e85232. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085232.
- POP- CURŞEU, I. (2014). „The gypsy-witch: Social-cultural representations, fascination and fears”, Revista de etnografie si folclor (Journal of Ethnography and Folklore), Vol. 1-2, pp. 23-45
- CURŞEU, P. L., KREHEL, O., EVERS, J.H.M. & MUNTEAN, A. (2014). “Cognitive distance, absorptive capacity and group rationality: A simulation study” PLoS One 9(10): e109359. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109359.
- VÎRGĂ, D., CURŞEU, P. L., MARICUȚOIU, L., SAVA, A. F., MACSINGA, I., MĂGUREAN S. (2014) “Personality, relationship conflict, and teamwork-related mental models” PLoS One, 9(11): e110223, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110223
- Apostol, L., Rebega, O. L., Miclea, M. (2013). Psychological and Socio-Demographic Predictors of Attitudes toward Animals. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 78, 521-525.
- Rebega, O. L., Apostol, L., Benga, O., Miclea, M. (2013). Inducing Guilt: A Literature Review. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 78, 536-540.
- Ştefan, C.A., Miclea, M. (2013). Effects of a multifocused prevention program on preschool children’s competencies and behavior problems. Psychology in the Schools, 50(4), 382-402.
- Visu-Petra, L., Miclea, M., Visu-Petra, G. (2013). Individual differences in anxiety and executive functioning: A multidimensional view. International Journal of Psychology, 48(4), 649-659.
- Visu-Petra, G., Varga, M., Miclea, M.,Visu-Petra, L. (2013). When interference helps: Increasing executive load to facilitate deception detection in the concealed information test. Frontiers in Psychology, 4ț
- CURŞEU, P. L. (2013). “Demographic diversity, communication and learning behaviour in health care groups” International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 28, 3, 238–247. DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2130
- IEDERAN (FODOR) O.C., CURŞEU, P. L., VERMEULEN P.A. M., GEURTS, J. L. A. (2013). “Antecedents of strategic orientations in Romanian SMEs: An institutional framing perspective” Journal for East European Management Studies, 18, 3, 386- 408. http://www.hampp-verlag.de/hampp_e-journals_JEMS.htm
- Balteş, F.R. Miclea, M., Miu, A.C. (2012). Does everybody like Vivaldi’s Four Seasons? Affective space and a comparison of music-induced emotions between musicians and non-musicians. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 16(1), 107-119.
- Balaj, A.,Miclea, M., Albu, M. (2012). The adaptation of APS-SF on the romanian population. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 16(4), 529-551.
- Cheie, L., Visu-Petra, L., Miclea, M. (2012). Trait anxiety, visual search and memory for facial identities in preschoolers: An investigation using task-irrelevant emotional information. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 622-626.
- Mercea, V., Tantau, M., Kallay, E., Miclea, M., Pascu, O. (2012). The effects of an endoscopy simulator based training – The preliminary results of the Simtech research project. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 16(3), 453-463.
- Pitica, I., Susa, G., Benga, O., Miclea, M. (2012). Visual search for real emotional faces: The advantage of anger. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 632-636.
- Susa, G., Piticǎ, I., Benga, O., Miclea, M. (2012). Anxiety-related attention biases in preschoolers: An investigation using the pictorial dot-probe task. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 637-641.
- Susa, G., Piticǎ, I., Benga, O., Miclea, M. (2012). The self-regulatory effect of attentional control in modulating the relationship between attentional biases toward threat and anxiety symptoms in children. Cognition and Emotion, 26(6), 1069-1083.
- Ştefan, C.A., Miclea, M. (2012). Classroom Effects of a Hybrid Universal and Indicated Prevention Program for Preschool Children: A Comparative Analysis Based on Social and Emotional Competence Screening. Early Education and Development, 23(3), 393-426.
- Visu-Petra, G., Miclea, M., Visu-Petra, L. (2012). Reaction Time-based Detection of Concealed Information in Relation to Individual Differences in Executive Functioning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(3), 342-351.
- Visu-Petra, L., Cheie, L., Benga, O., Miclea, M. (2012). The structure of executive functions in preschoolers: An investigation using the NEPSY battery. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 627-631.
- CURŞEU, P. L. & SCHRUIJER, S. G. L. (2012). „Decision styles and rationality: An analysis of the predictive validity of the General Decision-Making Style Inventory” Educational and Psychological Measurement, 72, 6, 1053 – 1062, DOI:10.1177/0013164412448066.
- POP- CURŞEU, I. (2012). „Représentations sociales, peurs et règlements de conflits : les Roumains dans les chasses aux sorcières de Transylvanie (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles)”, Transilvanian Review, 21, 4, 85-103. http://www.centruldestudiitransilvane.ro/detaliu.aspx?eID=642&t=Review%202009- 2014
- Boroş, S., Curşeu, P.L., Miclea, M. (2011). Integrating tests of a multidimensional model of organization identification. Social Psychology, vol. 42, p. 111-123.
- Balteş, F.R., Avram, J., , M., Miu, A. (2011). Emotions induced by operating music: Psychophysiological effect of music, plot and acting. Brain and Cognition, vol. 76, p. 146-157.
- Mihalcea, L., Salden, R.J., Corbolan, G., Pass, F., Miclea, M. (2011). Effectiveness of cognitive-load based adaptive instruction in genetics education. Computer in Human Behavior, vol. 27, p. 82-88.
- Visu-Petra, L., Cheie, L., Benga, O., Miclea, M. (2011). Cognitive control goes to school: The impact of executive function on academic performance. In Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 11, p. 240-244.
- Visu-Petra, G., Miclea, M., Visu-Petra, L. (2011). Reaction-time based detection of concealed information in relation to individual differences in executive functioning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, doi: 10.1002/acp.1827
- Visu-Petra, G., Buş, I., Miclea, M. (2011). Detecting concealed information from a mock crime scenario by using psychophysiological and RT-based measures. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, XV, no. 1, p. 19-37.
- Ciuca, A., Albu, M., Perţe, A., Budău, O., Miclea, Ş., Miclea, M. (2011). The Romanian adaptation of the Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (PDSQ). Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol. XV, no. 1, p. 69-93.
- Bălaj, A., Albu, M., Porumb, M., Miclea, M. (2011). The standardization of Early Childhood Inventory-4 (ECI-4) on Romanian population – a preliminary report. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, XV, no. 1, p. 95-110.
- Perţe, A., Miclea, M. (2011).The standardization of the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionaire (CERQ) on Romanian population. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol. XV, no. 1, p. 111-130.
- Bălaj, A., Ciuca, A., Perţe, A., Budău, O., Miclea, M. (coord.). (2011). Povestea literelor, e-book şi soft educaţional, S.C. Cognitrom S.R.L., Cluj-Napoca.
- Budău, O., Ciuca, A., Miclea, M., Albu, M. (2011). The adaptation and validation process of the Romanian version of the Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS). Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol. XV, no. 1, p. 131-141.
- Heilman, R., Crişan, L.G., Hauser, D., Miclea, M., & Miu, A.C. (2010). Emotion regulation and decision making under risk and uncertainity. Emotion, 2, 157-165.
- Ştefan, C.A., & Miclea, M. (2010). A preliminary efficacy study of a multifocused prevention program for children with deficient emotional and social competencies Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 127-139.
- Miclea, M., Miclea, Ş., Ciuca, A., & Budău, O. (2010). Computer-mediated psychotherapy; Present and prospects. A developer perspective. Cognition, Brain, Behavior: An Intedisciplinary Journal, 14(3), 185-208.
- Heilman, R., Kallay, E., & Miclea M. (2010). The role of computer-based psychotherapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Cognition, Brain, Behavior: An Intedisciplinary Journal, 14(3), 209-230.
- Ştefan, C.A., & Miclea, M. (2010). Prevention programmes targeting emotional and social development in preschoolers: current status and future directions. Early Child Development and Care, 180, 1103 – 1128.
- Avram, J., Balteş, F. R., Miclea, M., & Miu, A. C. (2010). Frontal EEG activation asymmetry reflects cognitive biases in anxiety: evidence from an emotional face Stroop task. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 35, 285-92.
- Kállay, É., & Miclea, M. (2010). The pros and cons of computer-mediated therapy in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and trauma induced mental health problems. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 10, 219-240.
- Miclea, M., Ciuca, A., & Miclea, Ş. (2009). How to produce e-content for e-mental health solutions. Basic guidelines. Cognition, Brain, Behavior: An Intedisciplinary Journal, 13, 1-9.
- Ştefan, C.A., Bălaj, A., Porumb, M., Albu, M., & Miclea, M. (2009). Preschool screening for social and emotional competencies – development and psychometric properties Cognition, Brain, Behavior: An Intedisciplinary Journal, 13(2), 121-146.
- Visu-Petra, L., Miclea, M., Cheie, L., & Benga, O. (2009). Processing efficiency in preschoolers memory span: individual differences related to age and anxiety. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1, 30-48.
- Visu-Petra, L., Benga, O., & Miclea, M., (2007) Dimensions of attention and executive functioning in 5- to 12-years-old children. Neuropsychological assessment with the NEPSY battery, Cognition, Brain, Behavior11, 585-609.
- Miclea, M., & Mihalca, L. (2007). A computerised platorm for the assessment of school readiness. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 11, 83-90.
- Mihalca, L, & Miclea, M., (2007) Current trends in educational technology research, Cognition, Brain, Behaior/ Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, vol 11, no. 1., pp. 115-130.
- Kallay, E., & Miclea,M. (2007). The role of meaning in life in adaptation to life-threatening illnessess, Cognition, Brain, Behaior/Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, 11, 159-174.
- Visu-Petra, L., Ciairano, S., & Miclea, M. (2006). Neurocognitive correlates of child anxiety: A review of working memory research. Cognition, Brain Behavior, 10, 517-541.
- Kallay, E., & Miclea, M. (2006). The influence of global meaning systems on stress-related reactions revealed through proverbs using Q methodology. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 10, 5507-523.
- Miclea, M., &. Macavei, B (2006). An empirical investigation of the relationship between religious beliefs and negative emotions. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 10, 5525-535.
- Miu, A.C., Heilman, R.M., Pasca, S.P, Ştefan, C.A., Spânu, F., Vasiu, R., Olteanu, A.I., & Miclea, M. (2006). Behavioral effects of corpus callosum transection and environmental enrichment in adult rats. Behavioral Brain Research, 172, 135-144.
- Miu, A.C., Heilman, R.M., Opre, A., & Miclea, M. (2005). Emotion-induced retrograde amnesia and trait anxiety. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, Cognition, 31, 1250-1257.
- Miu, A.C., Paşca, S.P., & Miclea, M. (2005). The corpus callosum and the power of complementary paradigms in the developmental cognitive neurosciences. Developmental Cognitive Neurosciences, special issue of Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 9, 423-451.
- Miclea, M. (2004). “Learning to do” as a pillar of education and its links to entrepreneurial studies in higher education: European context and approaches. Higher Education in Europe, 29(2), 221-231.
- Miu, A.C., Olteanu, A., & Miclea, M. (2004). A behavioral and ultrastructural dissection of the interference of aluminium with aging in Journal of Altzheimer Disease, 6, 315-328.
- David, D., Miclea, M., & Opre, A. (2004). The information-proccessing approach to the human mind: basics and beyond. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60(4), 353-368.
- Curşeu, P.L., & Miclea, M. (2004). Utilizarea reţelelor neuromimetice în sarcini de clasificare şi predicţie. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 2, 329-351.
- Miclea, M. (2003). Institutional level reforms and the Bologna process. The experience of nine universities in South East Europe. Higher Education in Europe, 3, 259-272.
- Miclea, M., & Curşeu, P. (2003). Framingul şi mecanismele de apărare. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 4, 359-383.
- Miclea, M. (2003). Consorţii şi universităţi metropolitane. Actualitatea academică, 4, 59-67.
- David, D., & Miclea, M. (2002). Behavior therapy in Romania. A Brief History of Research Theory and Practice. The Behavior Therapist, 25.